November 6

Gray, gloomy days = crummy pictures.

But we loved watching the wind and rain create a snowstorm of leaves, visiting the library, making a crackling fire in the fireplace, napping in the gloom...

This girl actually slept well last night, and napped well today.
Perhaps she's not trying to kill me, after all.

These two have played so well with each other today! Their play is cooperative, imaginative, and active.
I love, love, love it.

I don't love that every time Caleb puts on a tutu, Daisy tells him, "Boys don't wear tutus, Ca-LEB."
She's right, but there are only so many years that he can get away with it, still. I hate for her to shame him out of the tutu too soon. It's so cute!

Also, today was day #4 of Daisy being diaper-free during nap. She had an accident yesterday, but today she woke up from her nap and emerged in the hallway, declaring, "Mommy, I have to use the restroom!" And then she took care of her business. What a big girl!

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