November 18

For a fleeting moment last night, I thought about taking the kids on an adventure today. I checked the weather forecast, tossed some ideas around with Chris... And then Lily happened. I have no complaints about daytime Lily, but nighttime Lily is sucking me dry, both literally and figuratively. So instead, I declared today "Do Nothing Monday". I like those days. Caleb stayed in his jammies until he woke from his afternoon nap, and we were lazy and happy.

I took some darling pictures of Lily, since it was sunny and bright in the house. In November, sunshine is fleeting, and Lily's 4-month birthday is tomorrow, so I decided to use the sunshine while it was there. I'll post those pictures tomorrow. For today, I have this:
While I was taking Lily's pictures, Caleb came in wearing his tutu. He helped me get Lily to smile for a few shots, but got a little sad that he wasn't in any of the pictures. So when I suggested we put Lily in her tutu for a photo of the two of them, he was thrilled. Two tutus? What fun!

Lily thought it was fun, too. Look how she's holding on to his hand with one hand, and playing with his tutu with the other. What a cutie!

And Caleb can be such a loving, helpful big brother.

After tutu time, it was Batman time.
It was also time for me to make dinner. 
Somehow I managed to make dinner, tend to Lily, and photograph these goofballs all at the same time.
(However, I'm not an expert multitasker; I was also able to split my lip with my camera today. I'm still not sure exactly how it happened, but I have the bloody lip as proof!)

Daisy put her tutu around her neck and thought she was the funniest thing ever.

And one last Batman. He insisted that I take a picture of him while he was closing his eyes - he thought it was a really funny trick.

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