November 21

My MOPS group met today, and Lily went up to the childcare area for the first time! She did great, and it was so nice to be child-free for an hour and a half.

However, her recovery from the tongue tie procedure has been a bit more challenging than I anticipated. Everything is going fine, she's just been a bit fussy. She whimpered quite a bit last night, and I had to get up with her and rock her in another room for a while to get her back to sleep. I try to avoid medicating my children whenever possible, but infant Tylenol was definitely our friend during the 24 hours after the procedure. 

I noticed immediately that Lily was able to do a lot more things with her tongue; she has always been a tongue-sticking-out kind of girl, but now she can stick it out farther. I've seen her playing with her tongue quite a bit, and when she nurses I can tell that she is trying to figure out a different/better/more effective way to latch on. It's interesting to see how much of a difference it makes, especially considering the fact that it didn't technically "need" to be done. She was doing fine with her tongue tied, but I think now that it's loose she'll be doing great!

Unfortunately, the poor girl is running a low-grade fever now. I have a message in to her doctor to see if this is normal after clipping a tongue tie, or if it may be unrelated? She could possibly be teething... I just hope the sweet baby sleeps well tonight and feels better soon. She's been through enough lately!

Sweet girl experimenting with her tongue.

Brother always wants to be in the photo with her. Lily always wants to be with brother.

Caleb is funny. Daisy is clearly his favorite playmate, but I think it's just because Lily can't really do anything yet. I hope I'm wrong, but right now it seems that he definitely prefers Lily over Daisy. But it's still early. I'm sure those relationships will ebb and flow over the years.

Check out yesterday's post for a few more pictures that I just discovered on the camera. And just for fun, here's a link to our current favorite song/video - "What Does the Fox Say?" by Ylvis. It's so much fun!

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