November 3

Daylight Savings Time Ends = longest day ever. 
We were planning to go to church this morning, but by 8 am it was clear that Caleb was having an "off" day. He was a mess. And Daisy still has snot coming out of her nose from The Cold That Never Ends. And due to Lily's new weird schedule, she was due for a nap right as we should have left for church.

So we skipped it. Chris took the big kids to the Butterfly House, and I stayed home with a napping baby and drafted a letter to the coordinator of Caleb's preschool regarding the junk they feed the children. I'm definitely not a fun mom. 

But here's a cute, cuddly baby!
She was oohing and gooing and cooing at me.

Oh, you want video? Who wouldn't! It's only 40 seconds...

And then I got her dressed and Daisy came in and wanted to hold her sister. Is anyone else freaked out by how large Lily seems compared to Daisy? Lily is probably around 13 pounds now, and Daisy is maybe 24 pounds, so there's only an 11 pound weight difference between my 3 month old and my 2.5 year old. Wild. I wonder how long it will take Lily to surpass Daisy in size?

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