November 13

Chris took my car (and all the car seats) in for an oil change today, so it was a stay-at-home kind of day.

I'm not going to lie: Caleb and Daisy were competing to see who could make me the craziest. Pretty sure they both won. But they were cute at times. Like this:
Lily had just woken up, so we were all on my bed playing with her. Daisy got out of control and I sent her to time out for some infraction or another. Her options were the time-out chair in the front room, or her bedroom, but somehow she ended up in the storage cube instead. Honestly, she had a good idea; it would make a good time out spot. Then she told me she was being Oscar the Grouch.

Then Caleb did it.

Then Caleb got a cube out of Daisy's room, and they both did it.

And then they did this.
Just like that, my frustration was forgotten. Those two are so silly, and watching them play together brings me true joy.

Lily loves Daisy's lovey (a turquoise owl from Auntie Grace) so much that we decided to buy a similar lovey so she could have her own. We're gradually inching toward putting Lily in her own room, so things like loveys and Tranquil Turtles are our attempt to get her ready for it.

At first, Lily wasn't sure about her lovey (a little frog), but she made up her mind pretty quickly.

She decided that she loves it!

Success! I love that girl's smile!

1 comment:

  1. awww how adorable! She is looking a little more like Daisy in that last pic! Can't wait to see you all soon! XOXOX
