November 16

Today was busy, busy, busy!

My friend Sara invited me over to her house this morning so that I could try out her serger, which has a ruffle foot that will make the process of making Lily's ruffled curtains much easier. Of course, Daisy is in love with Sara's 8-year-old son, Carter, so she and Caleb had to come along. And I don't go many places without Lily, so she came along, too. But Sara's husband was off hunting, so Chris got a free morning to himself.

At Sara's house, the kids played, I sewed, and Sara wore Lily in the Ergo while she made brunch for all of us. Sara's thought - which I absolutely agreed with - was that mornings like that made commune living seem very appealing.

Sara got out some costumes for the kids to play with - Daisy was Elmo, Cooper was a friendly monster, and Caleb was a dinosaur.
See Sara in the corner of the picture, holding Lily and snapping a picture with her phone?
Not many things make me happier than seeing dear friends holding my children because it means: 
1. I am with said friend.
2. My child is being loved.
3. I am not holding my child. 

There - you can see Daisy's sweet face. There was also a lion costume, but Carter informed me that he would never be a lion, because he doesn't like to dress up as animals.

The boys - it's always funny to think that they've known each other since they were two weeks old. 

This morning was almost more fun than Daisy could bear. She got to dress up as Elmo, and she got to play with Carter.

Carter was demonstrating that he could fit his whole body inside his shirt. Daisy was delighted to be near him.

I asked Carter if he would let me take a picture of him with Daisy, because I knew she would love it. He readily agreed, but Daisy refused to look at the camera. She just scooted as close to him as she possibly could, then froze. She didn't move, didn't look at him, didn't talk to him; she just sat there, breathing heavily with a goofy look on her face. 
She adores Carter.

There. Daisy and her current BFF. I know you can't tell, but she is happy beyond words in this crummy cell phone photo.

We stayed at Sara's much longer than I anticipated, and got the kids home just in time for a late nap. Chris put them down while I readied things for a friend who was coming over to have his picture taken. I wore Lily (who was long overdue for a nap) on my back while I took pictures, and she howled like a siren. Poor baby. I finished with the pictures, said goodbye to the friend, rushed Lily in and put her down for a nap, and headed out to the kitchen to help Chris prep dinner before I headed out again to take pictures for some other friends.

Lily slept for about two hours, which was great. Chris took these photos of her with his phone: 
A close-up of her snuggling with one of the puppies Aunt Maggie sent.

Chris reported that she LOVED the puppy.

Funny, isn't it, that I spent half my day using my camera, and yet I neglected to take any pictures of my children with it? So it goes. Hopefully tomorrow will be more low-key. I need it, because I have lots of photos to edit now!

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