November 19

Lily is four months old today!

We see the doctor tomorrow for her four-month checkup and to have her tongue tie corrected, so I'll have more pertinent stats then. But for now, would you like to see some darling photos of her?

Gosh, she melts my heart. Isn't she darling, lounging on a baby quilt that my Grandma used when her babies were little? She's still not rolling yet, but she's getting closer each day! She can get 3/4 of the way over, but that pesky arm keeps getting in the way.

Hi, baby!

That purple in the corner? Just Caleb's tutu. No big deal.

Ha! One of my favorite things about this age is that she's so expressive! My least favorite is the sleep-reorganizing that typically happens at 4 months. It's painful. Not for her, but for me. Sometimes I'm so tired it physically hurts. But miraculously, she slept well last night. So there's that.

Doesn't she look like a little doll? This dress was one that Chris' mom wore as a baby, hand-made by her mother.

At four months, Lily:
naps about three times each day (90 minutes in the morning, a long afternoon nap, and 45 minutes in the evening)
still refuses a bottle - we've determined that she'd rather be hungry and sleep if I'm away
has warmed to the pacifier, but still won't take it
nurses all night long, which isn't so bad since she's in our bed with us
loves to watch Caleb and Daisy play
is almost rolling
is crying right now. *sigh*

I know it's only mid-November, but we set up the Christmas tree tonight. It was kind of a train that I couldn't stop; I mentioned it, and then the kids were set. So we have a Christmas tree, along with our fall decorations.

We got out the shatterproof ornaments and let Caleb and Daisy go to town. That's all the decorating we'll do for now.

Lily was like, "DO YOU SEE THIS, MOM??? It's a tree! With lights! And shiny balls!" She was totally into it.

Can you tell from the back of her head that she had a laser focus on what her brother and sister were doing?

We all wore our Christmas socks.

After all the hubub was over, Lily got to touch the tree. She loved it.

Caleb, standing proudly in front of his handiwork. That line of red ornaments right above his head? He did that.

We listened to Christmas music while the kids worked, and suddenly the James Taylor Christmas album was over and my favorite Christmas song ever, "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen/We Three Kings" by Barenaked Ladies and Sarah Maclachlan, came on. (You really should click the link and listen to it. It will make you smile.) An impromptu dance party broke out.

Even Lily got in on the dancing!

Daisy knows that any good dance party needs accessories, so she got out the hand clapper and jingle bells.

Caleb danced with Lily.

It was pretty wonderful. And then it was time for bed. 

Poor Lily was so worn out from all the excitement that, in the time it took for the big kids to get jammies on, she fell asleep on Daisy's bed. What a night!

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