November 28

There are so many things for which I am thankful this Thanksgiving.

However, one of my darling blessings has been crying for the past hour and I just don't have time to write a thoughtful post about how much I appreciate all that God has given us this past year. But trust me: I'm thankful.

Work schedules prevented us from sharing a meal with my family this year, but my mom joined us on a trip to the garden to visit my dad at work. It was cold and it was early, but it was fun.
The Garden is all set up for a nighttime lights display. Things weren't glowing, but they were still fun!

It was probably 34 degrees out, but Lily kept me warm.

Caleb was really worried that we weren't supposed to be near the snowmen since they were fenced off. 

Aren't they cute?

Dad had the idea to bring a Santa hat for Daddy Ram, and we brought halos and antlers for the other sheep. The kids were delighted! 
(This may have been Lily's first time riding one of the sheep. She was not so delighted.)

These kids love the Garden. But the Garden with their grandparents may be one of the best things ever.

Gosh, these sheep never get old. I think I could take a million photos of us with the sheep!

Oh, wait.

Maybe I did take a million photos of us with the sheep. I'll stop now.

After we were tired of the cold (and just plain tired, in sleeping Lily's case!), we headed inside to see the train show.

(I'm being brief so I can get to that screaming child of mine. Chris is a patient and loving father, but even he needs a break!)

After a delicious brunch and much-too-short naps for the kids, we headed over to see Chris' family and share a meal with them. We had so much fun - so much, in fact, that I forgot to take pictures. Whoops!

But I did manage to capture this moment, when Grace decided to wear Lily in the Ergo. 
They both loved it!

Now, off to tend to that baby of mine...

1 comment:

  1. I love the photos today. Especially the one of your parents - yesss - they are sooo cute.
