November 20

Lily had her four-month checkup today; she's doing great, and right on track! She clocked in at 13 pounds, 8 ounces (52nd percentile), 24.5 inches long (60th percentile), and had a head circumference of  16.75 inches (80th percentile). It's nice to have a big baby for a change!

Lily also had her tongue tie corrected at this appointment. By the time we got around to the procedure she was hungry and tired, but her least favorite part of the whole thing was these glasses that protected her eyes from the laser the doctor used to clip her frenum.

Pretty funny, huh?

Luckily, our doctor is really skilled at this procedure and it took maybe thirty seconds. Then I was able to nurse Lily and she was much happier. She's been a little bit whimpery all after noon, but other than that she's fine.

We were lucky that Chris was able to take the morning off work to stay home with Caleb and Daisy while I took Lily to the doctor. This is what their morning looked like:
Chris made his breakfast specialty - grain-free banana peanut butter chocolate chip pancakes - while Caleb and Daisy watched/critiqued/"helped".

Then they painted. I'm kind of in love with this picture.

I don't let the kids paint often enough, so this was a big deal for them.

You can tell he's just begun painting because he's only touched the red paint on his palette so far.

Look at that girl go!

Caleb was so proud of his work.

And there's a focused Daisy, not even minding the curl that is probably getting into her eye. 

They had a lot of fun while we were gone!

Check out yesterday's post for a new picture with Lily's current stats!

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