June 9

Today was a stay-at-home kind of day, which is really nice every now and then.
It was especially nice because I thought to pick my camera up more than once during the course of the day.

This boy is 23 months old today. I can't believe he'll be 2 in just a month!
(He's smiling in this picture because I'd been ooh-ing and aah-ing over Daisy's smile. He wanted to show me that he could do it, too.)

I've started pumping to build up a supply of milk so that I can leave Daisy occasionally. It's going great, but Caleb is really interested in my pump. While I'm pumping. He wants to press the buttons and put the pump on his belly. Today I bought myself some quiet time with Veggie Tales on Netflix. It was amazing. I think our child is now officially a TV watcher. I'm definitely ok with 30 minutes a day now!

No, not laughing at Veggie Tales.
Laughing at the flash on my camera. I use it so seldom that it's a really fun novelty for him.

And then there's this girl.
I've been really lazy about tummy time, so we started it in earnest today. Good news? She loves being on her tummy. Bad news? No attempts at head-lifting yet. I guess we have to build up those little neck muscles.

Daisy's getting more and more expressive, and she's starting to figure out that she can do things with her arms and legs. When I took this photo, she was smiling and waving her arms and legs in the air. I'm starting to wonder if she laughs, but her "laughs" sound more like a gurgling choke than laughter, so I'm not really sure.

We played outside twice today. I could only persuade Caleb to come in the second time by getting out the fish towel. These were the towels Chris' mom sent him off to college with; I have no idea how old they are. I do know that Caleb loves them. We draped this one around his shoulders and called him "Flying Fish Boy" and he ran around the room. Never a dull moment around here.

Then Chris came home from work. 
This sweet moment is even sweeter when you see it a few seconds later, from another angle.

Caleb is kissing Daisy's knee.
Chris is laughing at Caleb.
Daisy is staring lovingly at her Daddy.

This is the best time of the day.

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