June 7

Hmm. Somehow I only managed to take these two photos today.

Daisy and I took an hour-long nap together while Caleb napped in his big boy bed. Doesn't she look sweet all swaddled up?

His new word of the day?
They're everywhere, and kind of terrifying.

Caleb's asleep in his big boy bed right now; I had to hold him until he was really sleepy, then lay him down and hold his hand until he fell asleep. Hopefully he stays put. Hopefully I don't have to hold his hand every night. Though I am a fan of the hand-holding...

We also tried to give Daisy her first bottle of pumped milk tonight. It didn't go very well. Probably because she wasn't that hungry, she was just tired. We'll try again tomorrow. She has to be ok with a bottle by Saturday, because I'm working. Unless Chris somehow learns how to lactate. Then, everything would be fine.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be praying Daisy takes to the bottle for you soon - I think Michael still has nightmares about bottle-feeding Catherine when I had to work in an office a couple days a month.
