June 2

I failed this day on so many different levels.
1. Late to a playdate with MOPS friends.
2. Late leaving playdate to go to appointment with new doctor.
3. Talking on the phone while speeding to doctor appointment because of #2; got pulled over.
4. Left my wallet at home.
5. Speeding ticket (see #3).
6. Late to doctor appointment.
7. No health insurance card (see #4).
8. Forgot to change Caleb's diaper, which then soaked through his onesie and shorts.
9. No extra clothes in diaper bag.
10. A naked Caleb falls asleep in the car on the way home without having eaten any lunch.

I'm pretty sure that if they licensed parents, I would have my license revoked after today. I cried a lot - it was rough. But ice cream cures all ills, so after dinner we spent some time on the patio eating ice cream cones.

"Ice cream cone!"
(He didn't like Daddy's mint chip ice cream, so I made myself a chocolate cone. The boy's no fool - he likes chocolate. Downside? I had to share mine, while Chris got to enjoy his cone in peace.)

"More, please?"

A sad Caleb resigned himself to the fact that the ice cream was all gone.

(Side note: at dinner tonight, Caleb wanted a piece of cheese. He fussed because we didn't give it to him immediately. We waited for the fussing to die down, and suddenly Caleb said, "I'm so sad!" I couldn't help it - I burst out laughing. It was too funny! Then we gave the boy his cheese.)

Then there's this girl. 
Despite all of the obstacles we encountered, we made it to our doctor appointment. We liked the new doctor, and Daisy clocked in at 8 pounds, 11 ounces. It's only the 25th percentile, but I'll take it!

We also discovered that Miss Daisy was tongue-tied!
(That means her frenulum, the piece of tissue that connects her tongue to the floor of her mouth, was shorter or tighter than it should be. This limited her ability to stretch out her tongue and nurse normally.)

It was a lightbulb moment - no wonder she's been such a lazy nurser and gaining weight so slowly! The poor kid has had to work so hard to get what milk she could. Luckily, our new doctor is one of a few in the area that will clip tongue ties, and she did it on the spot. Hopefully this will make nursing so much easier for Daisy, and allow her to get milk more effectively.

So. This terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day is over. I'm just praying tomorrow is better, and thankful I get to keep my parenting license.


  1. Some days are like that, even in Australia.

    Also, your kids (and, I'm betting, your husband, and a whole host of other people) still think you're the best. :) Plus tomorrow's Friday, you found a good pediatrician, took some beautiful pictures, treated Caleb to a show of flashing lights and probably a pretty good view of a policeman's hat, and know you're on the right road with Miss Daisy. But I'm still hoping for a better day for you tomorrow!

  2. Boo! Sorry you had a nasty day. Sometimes we need those bad days to remind us how awesome our good ones can be. Silver lining-I tried! =-) I hope tomorrow is better!

  3. sooo interesting about the frenulum! does it hurt to get it cut?
