June 6

Sorry for the late post - Daisy and I had a wild night out last night at book club, and by the time we got home, I was too zonked to blog.

We had a low-key day yesterday. It's been so HOT here lately that, aside from our daily walk or run, we spend most of our time trying to stay cool.

Daisy lounged around on a soft, fluffy dog blanket from her GREAT Aunt Maggie.

Caleb practiced looking cool. Because being cool (hip) is nearly as important as being cool (not warm). I think he's got the cool look down!

Eventually, Caleb persuaded me to take him out on the patio. 
He had a great time dumping water from his water table onto himself.

Yes, Amber, he's naked again.
I confess that Caleb's habitual nudity is mostly my fault. It's partially due to the fact that I think naked toddlers are a natural, appropriate part of summer, and partially due to his poor hiney, which needs as much fresh air as possible. Hence, my naked child.


Also, I think Caleb had his first nightmare last night. He woke up at 12:30 am shrieking. I rushed in to him, and found him laying in bed, screaming. I picked him up, and all he would say was, "Green leaf. Green leaf in bed."
There was no leaf in his bed, but he was terrified. I snuggled him until he was calm, then tried to put him back in his crib. Again with the shrieking. Finally Chris came in, laid down on the big boy bed with him, and snuggled him for an hour. Eventually Caleb fell asleep, and he slept without a peep for the rest of his night in his big boy bed! As I type this, Caleb is napping in his new bed. He fell asleep in the car, so I just put him there instead of the crib. Now we just have to figure out how to get him to fall asleep in the new bed!

1 comment:

  1. Ha - no need to defend your stand on nudity. :) And I did let Michael Jr play in the little pool naked today. Swim diapers just seemed like a lot of unnecessary trouble. Also, good luck with the nightmares. Mary often has nightmares about animals in her bed and I still can't figure out if something specific triggers them, and it's terrible to see them so upset! Maybe you can find a cicada support group for Caleb!
