June 16

Are we really halfway through June? Where is this month going?

I know we had fun today, but I can't really recall what we did all day. I think Daisy slept a lot and Caleb played in the water outside a lot. But then, I think that's always a pretty safe guess.

Caleb discovered the hair band I wear when I run. He calls it "big shooter". (Little hair ties have always been "shooters" to him because we can shoot them across the room. I suppose it's only logical that this larger elastic band would be a big shooter.)
I know - he looks like a really adorable little girl in this photo.

But don't worry; he can also make it look tough.

My victory of the day? 
Yep. I got Daisy to take a pacifier.

Technically, I am fully equipped to fulfill all of Daisy's pacifying needs. But you guys? I need a break. And I'd like Chris to have a weapon in his baby-care arsenal besides just a bottle of pumped milk. So Daisy and I have been working on it, and I think she's now a fan of the pacifier.

What is that I hear?
Is it the clanging bells of freedom? Is it the freedom to take an hour break and go to Starbucks by myself?
Let's not get too crazy here. I'd be happy to have the freedom to go to the next room and know she'd be fine. Baby steps, right? The pacifier equals step one.

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