June 28

I think we had a good day today; I just didn't manage to photograph any of it. I didn't get my camera out until I was finished with dinner. Oops!

Caleb's new fixation is this video of James Taylor and Carly Simon singing "You Can Close Your Eyes". It's one of my favorite songs ever, but for some reason he has latched onto this video and asks to watch it over and over. I think we watched the video at least 20 times today. Not even kidding. Luckily I love the song, and it's a beautiful rendition of it. Otherwise, we'd be in serious trouble.

He loves the video so much that we use it to get him to eat food he doesn't want to eat.
As in, "Eat two more bites of your fish, and then you can watch the video."
And it works. This is his face as he's watching the video during dinner. Today after lunch, he was up on his tippy toes, trying to see the video on the laptop.
He's obsessed.

Daisy was fussy during dinner, so Chris tended to her so that I could eat. What a good man.
Daisy's gradually allowing Daddy to spend more and more time with her. It's nice for all of us.
In other news, I weighed Daisy today, and she was exactly 10 pounds. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Actually, I know exactly how I feel about that: disappointed. I'm concerned. That puts her between the 10th and 25th percentile. At 4 weeks, she was 8 pounds, 10 ounces, and in the 25th percentile. She'll be 8 weeks tomorrow. I'm worried that she's not gaining weight very well, and because her new doctor just had a baby, we don't go in again until the end of August. I'm sure she's fine, but I really wish she were a big, fat, chubby baby who gained 2 ounces a day.

But I'm sure she's fine. Right?

1 comment:

  1. have you seen kelly lately? she was a PEANUT. underweight, tiny. the smallest baby, the smallest preschooler, gradeschooler... then, sophomore year BAM! she grew! junior year she got a chest! and now, she is taller than her sisters and her mother. go figure.
