June 11

I would like to remind you that when one commits to taking a picture and blogging about it every day for a year, not every post will be a good one. Not every picture will be a good one. In fact, sometimes there will be several days in a row of lame, half-hearted pictures, just for the sake of posting pictures. But things like this aren't always about the individual posts; they're about the greater whole.


I know this. I know that not every day's photos will be frame-worthy, but that over the course of the year I'll end up with a handful (or more? Hopefully more!) of images that I'm really proud of.

So I hope you'll bear with me through today, and yesterday, and possibly tomorrow. We're all a bit worn out.

I worked today, supervising the ACT.
Which left Chris alone with two kiddos for the first time.

And you know what?

He did a fantastic job. Daisy drank her whole bottle of milk for him. He took them for a run. He did breakfast and lunchtime and naptime and played on the patio. Despite the fact that he doesn't get a lot of time with Daisy, Chris was able to read her cues and meet her needs and keep her happy and content.

Do I have a good husband, or what? Not to brag, but my kids have a great Daddy, and I am quite aware of how blessed I am.

Later, the boys played golf in the yard. Caleb is a good caddy, though he only knows the putter, the driver, and the iron. Also, he's just as apt to give you a hollow plastic golf ball as he is a real one.

Luckily, Chris is patiently training him.

Chris has also discovered how much Daisy likes her swing.
(Yes, she's not buckled in. Again with the bad parenting. It's like we're trying to harm our children or something! But somehow, they consistently remain safe and healthy. What gives?)

I like two things about this photo:
1. Her sweet daisy onesie, courtesy of my Aunt Deb.
2. Her chunky little self. That big belly is pretty sweet!

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