June 1

What? It's June? How did that happen?
Luckily, it was also Do-Nothing Monday today. We broke the rules a little bit by doing a few things, but I think they were justified. 

First thing: Chris woke Lily up at 5:40 this morning and took her - still in her jammies - to the hospital to have tubes put in her ears. I gave him strict instructions to take pictures for blogging (and posterity) purposes, and he brought home these photos:

This was before the surgery, and I love that Lily looks thoroughly confused and annoyed. I would, too, if you woke me up from a sound sleep and took me to an unfamiliar hospital!

More sweet Lily. Sadly, there are no "after" photos because Lily just wanted to be held afterwards. She did great, though: the surgery was quick, and Lily has been perfectly normal all day. Our ENT said he found lots of wax buildup and some fluid in her left ear, and that she should hear much better now. Hooray!

Later, we tried out new playground #4 in a neighborhood that adjoins ours. The kids had fun, and I met a new friend whose interests are shockingly similar to mine. How fun!

Daisy was having a rough day, though. Something must be going on with that girl, because she has been really challenging lately. Because of her, the kids ate early lunches and were scheduled for early naps. Happily, my mom stopped by to help defuse the Daisy situation and put Lily down for her nap. Grandma always fixes everything for my kiddos.

After naps, Lily needed a few extra snuggles, so I wrapped her up on my back.

Isn't she sweet? She was so happy to be up there, and stayed there while I made dinner.

I know. We are super cute. Also, who knew my tongue was so long? It's kind of horrifying.

After dinner, I remembered that I wanted to participate in a 30-day Wrap-a-Day challenge, where you try a new carry each day. Today's carry is actually our go-to front carry, Front Wrap Cross Carry, so I wrapped Eli up in it, paying special attention to my technique. Eli was unimpressed, and then spit up on my wrap. 
*whomp, whomp*
Luckily, it was a normal-baby spit up, not a volcano spit-up. Maybe being dairy free is working, after all!

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