June 6

What an awesome Saturday! We had nothing on our agenda, which was lovely. I woke to find Caleb thrilled with his outfit for the day. Honestly, I could understand why he was so excited, so I grabbed my camera for an impromptu photo shoot on the deck. (These photos are totally unedited because I'm just too tired for that today.)

Yep. The kid was Batman, with his Batman shirt and cape, utility belt, and rain boots. He was feeling pretty confident.

I asked him to show me his best Batman pose, and got this:
Doesn't that just scream "Batman" to you? 

Then I asked him for some jumps.

After a bit of coaching, we got this one:
He was pretty excited about that picture, though I wish his cape were flying in the breeze.

I'm so thankful I took the time to let Caleb be the star of his show. You can see how happy he was afterward. I love that boy. 

After a leisurely breakfast, Chris took the older three to the parking lot of our neighborhood pool (which doesn't open until noon) so that they could ride their bikes. He sent me these cell phone photos and video, which are just priceless.

I've thought about getting Lily a legit tricycle for her birthday to replace this crusty plastic thing that I bought for $2 at a yard sale when Caleb was a baby, but Chris doesn't see the need.
Someone needs to talk some sense into him, because if the girl had a real tricycle, she would be going places! Look at that serious face! Or maybe we should just switch her to the balance bike.

This was only Daisy's second big chunk of time to ride her new bike, and she was really happy about it. I love that she chose her lilac dress to match her purple bike.

And this kid is a pro! He is so ready to ditch his training wheels; it's only his fear that is holding him back.

The parking lot is a flat circle, and serves as the perfect race track for our kiddos. Want to see them in action? Of course you do!

After they were done riding, they stopped at the playground for a bit of swinging.
It doesn't matter that we have swings in our back yard; swinging never gets old for these kids. Look at the joy on Lily's face!

I love that Daisy was still wearing her helmet.

And this kid chose to ride his bike the whole way home, with Chris driving slowly beside him. When he got home, he burst through the door, sweaty and elated with his accomplishment. It was beautiful.

Meanwhile, I had nursed Eli, put him down for a nap, unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, read the paper, worked on sewing, and tried out today's 30-day wrap challenge carry with Eli when he woke up. 
Eli and I rocked the torso carry, which is the wrapping equivalent of a strapless dress. Unlike a strapless dress, though, it was totally secure and awesome.

While I made lunch, Chris wore Eli.
I'm pretty sure it was Chris' first time wearing Eli in a woven wrap, instead of a stretchy one, and he was very impressed.

Soon it was nap time, and once the little ones were down, Chris took Caleb to an awesome event at the public library: Bubble Bus. It was a bus that had a million bubble machines and music and Caleb was so excited! 

After the Bubble Bus, Chris and Caleb stopped by Chris' parents house to pick up a tool. On their way, they visited a new playground. Caleb asked that Chris take this video:

Eventually, they came home and as I worked on a sewing project in the other room, I could hear Caleb reading to himself.
It was a new library book, and instead of asking Chris or me to read it to him, he read it himself. What a huge milestone! It makes my heart so happy to see Caleb gaining confidence in his reading.

We ended up going out to dinner (IHOP, Jill. I had the Quick 2-Egg Breakfast with fruit instead of toast, and gallons of coffee) and to the hardware store. We returned home just in time to get the big kids to bed a little bit late, and Eli and I headed out do to the grocery shopping.

An exciting Saturday night, right? But at least it got done, and now Eli and I are both exhausted.

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