June 30

We are back on our normal summer schedule, so today was Botanical Garden day. The kids and I picked up some sage from the Herb Society, zipped over to the Japanese Garden to feed the fish. 
And geese. 
And ducks. 
And darling baby ducks, which Lily could just not get enough of. She kept forgetting to feed them and tried to touch them instead. It was hilarious.

Then off to the Children's Garden for some splash pad fun. Sometime before we fed the fish, Caleb declared that he needed a break from all of the walking we were doing, so I wrapped Eli up on my back, but Daisy in Eli's spot in the BOB, and let Caleb ride in the footwell. It worked out pretty well, despite the fact that I was pushing over 100 pounds of children, while carrying a baby on my back. Eli didn't mind, though, and quickly fell asleep. 

I love that despite all of our activity, he still didn't miss his morning nap! I also love his sweet little hand, and his sweet little ears, and his sweet little eyelashes. (Don't worry, Mom. I know it looks like the wrap is over his face, but there's a little gap there and he could totally breathe. He definitely didn't suffocate.)
I don't love that he isn't wearing a sunhat, but placing a sunhat on a baby who isn't capable of helping while wearing said baby on one's back is basically impossible without help. I suppose I could have asked a random stranger for help, but I didn't. We just stayed in the shade instead.

The kids ate lunch in the van on the way home, and just as I was putting the girls down for naps, Jenny came over! She took Caleb to a program at the library, in which some guy did tricks and cracked jokes with a whip. Jenny thought it was entertaining, and Caleb liked it too, except that the whip was really loud. They left early for that reason.

Or maybe they left early because Caleb really wanted Jenny to play Lego Star Wars with him. Either way, they left early.

Eventually, this was the scene in our back yard: 
Lily was suspicious of Jenny at first, but after a few pushes in the swing, Jenny was her new favorite person ever. Funny how that goes. After Jenny left, Lily wandered around the house. In the kitchen, she said, "Jeh-hee water?"
Yes, Lily, that's Jenny's water glass.
And in my bedroom, she asked, "Jeh-hee 'gain?"
Yes, Lily. Jenny will come over again.
It was pretty cute.

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