June 27

The night before last, my Fitbit told me that I slept for 6 hours straight. Thanks, Eli.
Last night? Not so much. For the first time ever, Eli woke up at 5 am and decided he was ready to play! He cooed, giggled, and refused to go back to sleep no matter how much I nursed him or how well I explained the situation to him. Finally, at 7:30 am, he went back to sleep. Meanwhile, I was exhausted.

At 10 am, Emily and Billy and their boys came over so that Billy could install a ceiling fan in Caleb and Daisy's room. This one is smaller and significantly less likely to decapitate the occupant of the top bunk. It also has two switches on the wall instead of a remote. Therefore, it is awesome in my book. 

While the menfolk worked (or, while Billy worked and Chris assisted), we played outside.

Jace is a big fan of Eli. As soon as I laid Eli down on the blanket, Jace was rightthere nextto him, giving him kisses and snuggling him. It was adorable.

1. How cute is Jace?
2. Look at little Eli in the background, holding Emily's hand!

Those boys are totally bonding.

Meanwhile, Lily ate a bagel that was as big as her head.
In my sleep-deprived state this morning, I told Chris that what I really wanted for breakfast was a bagel (because they're usually dairy-free, you know!) sandwich with eggs and bacon. That wonderful man took the big kids out to fetch bagels and coffee, and we were all very happy. He almost forgot a bagel for Lily, but I happened to text and remind him just in time. It's a good thing that girl got a bagel, or all hell would have broken loose.

Look at those cuties!

Then a long day happened, with lunch and naps and grocery shopping and baths... There may also have been repeat views of this music video, largely because Daisy was wearing bumblebee pajamas and Chris is just that kind of dad.

Daisy asked to hold Eli, and was very sweet.
Meanwhile, Lily flipped out because SHE wanted to hold Eli, TOO!

Then it was Lily's turn and she didn't actually want to hold him. She let the poor kid flop all over the place. Eli is a very longsuffering little brother. So of course I scooped him up and gave him snuggles, and Lily lost it.

"EE-YI WAP! HOL' EE-YI WAP!!!!!!!"
(Can you translate Lilyese? Eli lap! Hold Eli lap!)

The girl screams a lot these days. I suppose I would (did?) scream a lot if I were two, too.

After dinner and baths, I popped some popcorn and Chris and the kids watched baseball on TV. 
Then I loaded Eli into the BOB so that I could hit my 10,000 steps for the day. Chris reported that the kids weren't interested in the game; shortly after I left, they were asking him to switch the channel to PBS kids. So it goes.

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