June 17

Eli slept in this morning.
The kids were happily playing and I was enjoying my breakfast and contemplating a second cup of coffee when my phone chirped at me.
"Chiropractor appointment in 30 minutes."
Darn it! I had completely forgotten, and the chiropractor is a solid 15 minutes away. 

Somehow I managed to get myself and the kids dressed, wake up Eli, change his diaper and dress him, gather up the library books, load everyone into the van, and make the drive and only be 7 minutes late.


This day had me struggling to stay on top of things. It wasn't that it was a rough day, but it was just... challenging.

So the only picture I have of the day is the one I took when I had just wrapped Eli on my back, and he let out a big, juicy burp.
I wasn't sure if he had spit up all down my back or not, so I took a quick picture with my phone.

No spit up. I was free to prep dinner.

After dinner (brined pork chops, kale chips, and sweet potato fries - again - because the kids will eat it), we drove to the lake for a family walk. We were unloading the stroller when a kind lady informed us that the path was flooded. Boo for all of this rain! We drove to another spot and walked for an hour. I am so thankful that Chris is so supportive of my desire to get back in shape!

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