June 7

Well, I failed at taking pictures today. But I did lots of other things, like:
took all four kiddos to church by myself
took all four kiddos to Costco by myself
(Chris stayed home to finally finish the kids' closet situation)
moved all of Caleb and Daisy's clothes into their new, supremely organized closet
sighed in satisfaction, then felt the urge to buy all the baskets
went out to get a frame for the artwork we bought for Caleb's upcoming birthday (I got it early so I can plan space for it when I combine Caleb and Daisy's wall art in their new shared room)
snuggled and nursed Eli
made dinner while Chris took the big kids swimming
(OK, really, it was gluten and dairy free PBJs with fresh veggies and applesauce. But still. It filled the kids' bellies.)
(Jill, I know you'll want to know: I made the GF/DF bread using Pamela's mix. It was good, and Chris approved of it.)
used borrowed hedge clippers to trim all of the bushes in our yard, which were ridiculously overgrown
cut down some awful branches
cleaned up all of the yard waste
cleaned up all of the awful plastic toys my children scatter across the yard
cleaned up myself
more snuggling and nursing

Can you blame me for not taking pictures?

OK, actually, I did take two. One of the carry for the day, which was Simple Hip Carry.
I hated it and do not recommend it. Eli didn't like it, but I think that was because he was tired and hungry.

I also snapped this picture while Chris read bedtime stories to the big kids. 
Eli played happily on his play mat! What a good baby. All it took was two months and gaining 5 pounds for him to be so happy.

And now I am totally sore from my burst of activity. I've been basically sedentary for the past two months because of that stupid broken leg, so doing yardwork was really exciting and fun - in the moment. Now I know it was foolish. But it was still worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Cool, that was a workout! I love those productive days where you have really earned rest later that day! :)
