June 2

In the spring, Caleb was feeling sorry for himself because the little ones and I went to the Botanical Garden one day and he didn't get to go because he was in school. Rashly, I promised him that once summer came, I would take him to the Garden every Tuesday, because that is when the Children's Garden is free for members.

Then I broke my leg. At the Garden.

But promises are promises, and today - six and a half weeks after I broke my leg - we went to the Garden. I was so glad to be back! My leg is still hurting, but it was manageable. The Children's Garden with a nearly 6-year-old, a 4-year-old, a nearly 2-year-old, and an infant? Not so manageable. Caleb has become remarkably bold and independent since he started school, and I think it's going to take us a while to re-figure out how we do things like this.

Luckily, my friend Amber and her two boys, Andrew and Dean, came along with us. It was definitely nice to have a friend there to help corral my children! (Her children needed no corraling because they are fabulous. Instead, she helped me with mine.) Amber also provided me with a few pictures of our visit, because I remembered to bring everything except my phone. Go figure.

Andrew and Caleb had so much fun exploring together!

Four of our darlings (minus the babies, who aren't yet big enough to ride sheep).
I think Daisy is preparing to join the circus with her sheep-balancing trick.
And look at sweet Lily in the center. You would never even  know she had tubes put in yesterday!

We spent all morning at the Garden, and I fed the kids lunch in the van on the way home. We were all ready for naps, but Eli and Caleb had other ideas. Eli kept falling asleep, then waking up fifteen minutes later. Finally, I gave up and wrapped him up.
Yesterday I started a 30 Days 30 Carries wrap challenge, so we tried out today's wrap: Semi FWCC. It was hard to get the hang of at first, but eventually I liked it. I just need to learn how to tie a better slip knot! And I am still madly in love with our new wrap.

Eli liked it, too. He went from fussing to asleep in approximately 30 seconds. Win!

Chris came home for about 20 minutes before heading out to the Cardinals game with a prospective customer. That left me to handle dinner, kickboard practice, and bedtime by myself. Last time it was an abysmal failure, so this time I called my Mommy for help. Mom came over and took Caleb to kickboard practice while I got the little ones ready for bed. (Lily only napped for an hour and a half today, so she was definitely ready!)

While I got jammies on the girls, Eli got a little naked time.
This kid loves being naked! Look at that grin!
Really, my impetus for giving Eli naked time is that I think it's hard for babies to learn to roll when they wear bulky cloth diapers. However, rolling is easy for them when they're naked. So I like to give my little ones a chance to practice the skill. 

Also, naked babies are adorable.

Look at the chunk this kid is putting on!

Of course, once Lily and Daisy noticed that Eli was having naked time, they decided that they needed naked time, too! Off went the clothes, and fun was had by all. (Except by Eli, maybe, who looks overwhelmed by all of the attention.)

Mom brought Caleb home and rocked Lily to sleep, then held Eli while I read to the big two. I could have handled tonight by myself, but it would have been hectic. Instead, my kiddos all got quality snuggle time with their grandma, and the evening was peaceful
When I came out to get Eli after putting the big kids to bed, he was inches from sleep in Grandma's arms. I can't think of a better place to be. Thanks, Mom.

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