June 10

Today was library day, and I had this whole plan in my head about walking to the library. I knew it would be iffy, because it's exactly a mile and Caleb gets a little bit peeved when we walk long distances and I won't let him ride in the BOB with the girls.
 (You know, because it's a double stroller, not a triple stroller. And there are some big hills on the way to the library. And Caleb is nearly six years old. And the combined weight of Caleb + Daisy + Lily = 100 pounds. And I'd be wearing a baby wrapped onto me. And I just broke my leg. But sure kid, why not ride in the stroller with the girls? It's too bad children don't understand logic.)

Anyway, I had this plan, and I was going to take a leap and just do it and make Caleb walk and he would be fine, and I was all pumped up for it.
And then Eli decided to sleep until 10 am. 
Seriously, child?

So by the time he was fed and we were all ready to go, it was already 90 degrees and closing in on lunch time, so we drove.
*whomp, whomp*

And then it was lunch time, and the girls went down for early naps, and Chris' mom came to take Caleb for some Grandmother time. But since Eli slept until TEN AM, he wouldn't nap while everyone else napped, so I didn't get to read my book or take my own nap or anything. But I did make a delicious potato-less frittata for dinner (bacon, bell peppers, red onion, and eggs. Yum.). Of course, the kids refused to eat more than a few bites, but that just means that there's more for me. The kids ate just enough for me to allow them to play in the sprinkler in the back yard.

While the big kids played, I snapped some pictures of my happy naked baby.
Cutest thing you'll see today, I'm sure. You're welcome.

That, my friends, is a baby expressing pure delight. I love it!

Eli kicked and wiggled and flapped his arms and grinned. It was adorable.

Seriously, I can't get enough of these pictures. Hopefully you, my loyal readers, feel the same way.

One last Eli shot. Hi there, cutie pie!

And then Lily came up on the deck, fussing. 
I thought she was fussing because she was a mess. (She always gets significantly messier than the older two during sprinkler time, and I can't figure out why!) As she turned to go back to play, though, I realized why she was fussing: she had pooped in her swim diaper. Gross.

When play time was over, I brought Eli inside and put him in the swing so that I could rinse the bigger kids off and get them inside. I expected to return to the house and hear Eli screaming from the swing. Instead, I found him sound asleep, naked, wrapped up in the wrap he had been laying on.

Sleep, sweet baby!

Lily stood there and watched him sleep for a while, which was darling. Eli stayed there for at least 45 minutes. Meanwhile, I went through all of my pictures for the day and went off for a 2-mile walk to get in my 10,000 steps for the day. A good evening, I say!

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