June 8

Today was Do-Nothing Monday, and we all needed it! Chris took my van in for its very first oil change with our family, so we were forced to stay home.

We tried out the carry for Day 8 of our 30-day wrap challenge: rebozo. It was great, but I definitely prefer my ring sling, which does exactly the same thing.

I love Eli's face in this picture. It's as awesome as mine is terrible.

I caved and let Caleb watch Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi during nap time. All of it. Eli and and I snuggled and nursed. When Lily woke up, Eli and I went in to get her.

It makes Lily so happy to have Eli in the crib with her that I had to do it. You want to see a video of it, don't you? You know you do.
Aren't they funny?

Then we started getting ready for Caleb's first kick board race of the season! Last year, he only had one kick board race. This year, he has three!

While Caleb waited to race, Daisy came up and patted/put her arm around him and told him to do a good job. It was so sweet. Also, she chose to wear her leotard, which was hilarious.

My big boy! I gave him a haircut yesterday, and I think he looks especially dapper.

His turn. He was so excited! 

And he's off! I'm pretty sure he tried to hold his breath the whole way. They had 6 (or 7?) kick boarders, so they did two heats. Caleb only had one other person in his heat, and she had last minute stage fright. You can see her helper in the background, trying to coax her into the water. It didn't work.

That left Caleb in a one-man heat.

Go Caleb, go!

When he got out, the first thing he asked was, "Did I win?"
Since he was the only person in his race, I could honestly answer yes. He didn't even think twice about the fact that he had literally no competition.

While I photographed Caleb's race, Eli snoozed happily on my back. This wrap is called Glace, so it's supposed to represent ice, but it sure looks like a swimming pool in this context.

Sweet sleepy baby.

And then, dinner. When the children were all awful. (Jill, we had Crock Pot Barbecued beef,  homemade sweet and sour cole slaw, and baked beans.) I might have lost my temper more than a few times. Finally, Chris told me I needed a break, so I took myself (and Eli, because handling all four at bedtime is too much for any one person right now) to Target .

Once again, I had a sweet sleeping baby on me. This time, I also had a chai tea latte (with coconut milk) in a cup holder in my cart and clearance racks to peruse. Winning. Even better? I finally hit the elusive 10,000 steps today. My FitBit buzzed with delight, and it felt fabulous.


  1. I am so happy your leg is feeling good enough to hit 10,000 steps!! (Well, I guess it only did 5,000 steps, but still, yay!)

  2. Wow that crib video...adorable!!! I just showed to Pamela at my work and we almost died..
