June 26

It rained for much of the night last night, and for a few hours this morning. 
My children, however, are undeterred. Late bedtime? No big deal. Pouring rain? They aren't bothered. At 7:30 this morning, Caleb had already eaten his breakfast and was doing this:

Pajamas, rain coat, rain boots, on his belly, in the rain.
Daisy quickly joined him. My children are nuts. 

As nuts as they may be, though, they entertained themselves all morning, which was lovely. We had early lunch, naps all around, and a quiet afternoon at home. I mended some diapers, did a lot of laundry, cleaned up, and generally enjoyed my children. It was rare and wonderful.

This evening, Chris took the kids to the pool while I went off on a walk. My leg is feeling totally normal, so I have begun attempting to run again. For 30 minutes, I alternated running a minute, then walking a minute. It felt really good! I don't want to push things too quickly, though, because I well remember the Achilles tendinitis episode after Lily was born. I definitely don't want to go there again, so I'll take my time easing back into running.

After pool time and Mommy time, it was bedtime.
The kids were starving after swimming, so Chris cleverly combined reading and bedtime snacking.

Eli doesn't participate in either activity really well, so he chilled in his chair. I can't believe this little man will be 5 months old on Sunday!

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