June 21

We had a lovely Father's Day! After a busy day and a late night yesterday, we decided to skip church and be together at home. The kids were disappointed to miss church, but we made the right choice. Each of the older three kids gave Chris a set of Daddy/kid socks, so that each of them can now have socks that match Daddy's. They were all pleased with that. I also got Caleb and Chris matching athletic shorts. I know the matching thing is silly, but the kids really enjoy matching their Daddy, and I know it won't last long.

Chris got a sandwich from his favorite place for lunch, and while the little ones napped, he and Caleb played Lego Star Wars. Daisy napped late, so Chris took the other three for a quick visit to wish his dad a happy Father's Day. While they were gone, I baked pecan pies for my dad. After dinner, we all headed over to my parents' house, where my Aunt Deb just arrived from Oregon. We ate pie and visited while the kiddos played, and it was lovely.

The last time we saw Deb was almost exactly a year ago, and we had just learned we were pregnant with Eli, but hadn't announced it yet.

This visit, Deb got to meet Eli and give him some snuggles. It's funny how much can change in a year!

I was impressed that Deb and Eli's outfits matched so perfectly!

Because it's Father's Day, I had to take a picture of the best father I know with all of his darlings. 
My camera lens was foggy from the humidity and the kids were just barely cooperative, but what a wonderful picture of my handsome husbando and our motley crew! Six years ago, I gave Chris his first Father's Day gift, even though Caleb wouldn't arrive for another few weeks. The Nintendo Wii I gave him then is the same one he used to play Lego Star Wars with Caleb today. There was no way I could have known that first pre-Father's Day that Chris would be such an amazing dad. I have high standards, and Chris continues to exceed them all. He is a doting father, who brings the fun and silliness to our home. He works so hard to provide for our family, and yet he still finds the time and emotional energy to work to become an even better father. He is a good man, a fabulous husband, and a great dad. 

We are blessed.

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