June 24

Today I was finally able to attend my first meeting for our local babywearing group. I just had to bring all four children along with me. Thankfully, there was a play area for bigger kids, so Caleb and Daisy were fine. Lily, however, was very uncertain. Right away, I had to change Eli's diaper. I laid him on my ring sling on the ground, and just as I finished changing his diaper, he rolled over for the first time!
This is right after the roll.  Way to go, Eli!

I also weighed him while we were there, and he clocked in at 14 pounds, 5.5 ounces! Check out his growth chart: 
That yellow line he's approaching is the 15th percentile. The red line where he was is the 3rd percentile. See the big dip in the middle? That is almost the exact day I stopped eating dairy. Look at how his weight has skyrocketed since then! This is definitely the reassurance I needed that we need to keep avoiding dairy for a while longer.

We came home, ate lunch, and the little ones were all ready for their naps. After they went down, Chris' mom came to take Caleb to play for a while. Caleb was so, so excited. I was also excited, because it meant some down time for me. I ended up spending most of it snuggling and nursing this cutie pie:
Hi there, handsome!

Then he practiced some rolling. 

I know. Cutest baby ever. Want to see some video? It's just cooing and squawking, but it's cute nonetheless.

And then when Lily woke up, she wanted to listen to "Oh Happy Day". Again and again and again. When she started doing this, I was absolutely willing to hit repeat as many times as she wanted.
The video we watch has a guy doing motions to the song, and Lily was trying her best to mimic them. She actually did a pretty good job! Also, isn't that pony tail adorable? (the weird noise in the video is the chair just barely wobbling because our floor is slightly uneven)

In case you want to rock out to the song yourself, you can find it here.

That's probably enough cuteness for one day, don't you think?

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