February 17

Today was a bank holiday, and we had a fun playdate planned with MOPS friends. Chris was even going to go with us! And then it iced, and schools and our playdate were cancelled. Since the roads were icy, we didn't think it was safe to have any alternative adventures, so Chris got to experience a Do-Nothing Monday with us.

The best part of the day, though, was this afternoon when Chris, Lily, and I announced we were going to go snuggle in our big bed. Within seconds, Caleb and Daisy had dropped what they were doing to come roll around in bed with us. 
When we were pregnant with Lily, Chris and I saved our pennies to upgrade from our queen-sized mattress to a king-sized one. We knew that another baby meant we would want more room in our bed. Days like today remind me that upgrading was totally worth it.

I big puffy heart love this photo. Daisy was snuggling her sister, and Lily just loved it. 
Sweet Lily, I hope every day of your life you have this certainty that you are cherished by your family.

Daisy tickling Lily.
Lily loving it.
Me turning into a puddle of goo. I love these girls!

Seriously. Are you dying? I'm dying.
(Though I am both distracted and mortified by Lily's old-man pants. We'll blame that on the cloth diapers, or on Daddy pulling them up too high.)

Oh, my goodness.
This little girl, with her perfect little teeth and her curls and her big brown eyes and her heart full of love for her siblings! I love her!

And this slightly-out-of-focus man with three-day-weekend stubble. 
His children delight in him, and I am fully aware of how blessed I am that he's mine.

It's the little baby foot and the little baby hands in this photo that I love. She was practicing her rolling; she's not yet rolling from her back to her belly, but she's almost there! (I'll blame that on the cloth diapers, too.)

And then this happened, and then I melted again. 
Caleb and Daisy were snuggling, and she kept saying, "I love my Caleb!" 

It was so, so sweet because they were both truly enjoying a big, rolling snuggle, and it was completely of their own volition. They bicker and they fight more often than not, but I hope that my children will always enjoy each other this much!

And then they turned their snuggle into steamrollering. Too funny.

Sweet Daddy. Sweet baby.

Sweet family. We are blessed, blessed, blessed.


  1. Yes -- you certainly are blessed. And it's great that you know it, because sometimes we're just too busy to realize the blessings we really have.

  2. uhhhh yes I am dying.. Can't even describe the feelings. Just the best moments in life. So cute, love you guys!!
