February 1

Chris may have taken Caleb and Daisy swimming twice today, just because he could and because they asked.

Caleb slept in this morning, and by "slept in", I mean he slept until nearly 7:30. That's a big deal around here! After he woke up, the kids sat on the counter and had first breakfast (raisins and Chex) while we contemplated what to make them for second breakfast.
We ended up making "chocolate milkshakes", which were really smoothies. Their heads may explode the first time they taste actual milkshakes and realize they've been duped all these years.

After breakfast, Lily did some flying. I'm not sure who's enjoying the flying more!

Super Baby!
(Please disregard the breakfast mess on our counters in the background. It got cleaned up eventually.)

After breakfast and flying, Chris took the big kids to swim and I put Lily down for what ended up being a nearly 4-hour nap. Wowzers.

She woke up just as the big kids went down, so she got to come grocery shopping with me. I was too chicken to try wearing her in the wrap at the store (something about wrapping a baby on my back in the parking lot in the nearly-freezing rain seemed unappealing...), but I wore her on my back in the Ergo for the first time in public, and she got lots of comments. She was also very happy.

Another happy camper?
Caleb, when he helped unpack the groceries and found this brown paper bag. He informed me that it's not a hat, but rather it is actually his head. So there you go.

And then they went swimming again. Because, why not?

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