February 10

Oh, Do-Nothing Monday, I love you! I especially love you after a night as rough as last night was. Hopefully Lily is kinder to us tonight.

Lily had her first banana for breakfast. She thought it was great fun!
We do Baby-Led Solids, which basically means that we skip the baby food and purees, instead giving our children whole, real foods. Since Lily's main source of nourishment for her first year will be breast milk, the food is just for fun and for experience. She did great at picking up spears of banana and gnawing on them.

I"m pretty sure some even ended up in her belly! Yay, Lily!

After breakfast, we made valentines.

Or should I say, Valentine's Day vomited all over my dining room table. 
They had so much fun!

Then Daisy started popping up and down in front of Lily's high chair. Lily was delighted! It's so much fun to watch my girls playing together. 

Lily took weird naps, and I had just gotten her down for her afternoon nap and was mulling the possibility of a nap, when Caleb got up from his nap and told me his tummy hurt.

His ginger and elderberry tea was just ready for him to drink when he vomited all over my kitchen floor. Three times.
He was standing right next to the trash can, but instead he spewed all over the floor.

Sick child, and I have to scrub my floor and disinfect everything from his puke splatters? That's rotten. Luckily, he was in good spirits.
Luckily, we had a talk about appropriate places to puke and the next time, he ran straight for the bathroom without even bothering me.
Luckily, he told me immediately that he tried to puke in the toilet, but it "splattered". 

Poor kid.

Let's hope these darlings don't get it, too! 
Daisy wanted to snuggle Lily, and Lily didn't mind being snuggled. It was so sweet.

She really is a good big sister. It's hard to remember that she's not even three yet!

Oh, how they love each other!

I kept this one so you can see the difference in their eye colors. Caleb and Daisy (and I) have deep, warm brown eyes. Lily's look brown at first, but really they're more gray than brown. I kept thinking they'd change to full-on brown, but it looks like this is the color they'll stay! 

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