April 9

You all knew, didn't you?

My sneaky, brilliant, giving friend Amber created this blog over a month ago. Today, my other sneaky, brilliant, giving friend Sara orchestrated the surprise delivery of my beautiful, shiny, practically-pushes-itself BOB Revolution Duallie.

Can I just tell you that I am 30 years old and I think I've been successfully surprised maybe 3 times in my life? (I know. I'm kind of a snoop.)
And today, friends, I was surprised. Confused. Baffled. Bowled over by your generosity. Thank you so much for loving us so much and making something so fantastic happen. We are so blessed!

We had a pre-race pasta dinner at Sara's house (remember, Chris, Sara, and several other friends are running the half marathon tomorrow!). After dinner, Jessica suggested we go for a walk. We gathered our stuff and children, and headed outside, where I saw this...

Now, Sara has a BOB, but it isn't a duallie. And it certainly doesn't sport a big, red bow. And I was looking for our stroller, which wasn't there.

I was confused.
I think my exact words were, "Can someone please tell me what is going on?"

Sara handed me this card, saying, "I think this will explain things."

cover art: "Your new BOB, in a field of flowers" by Catherine Rennier
(Is that not the sweetest thing ever?)

Then I opened the card and read Amber's explanation.
Then I read all of your names. 
Then I cried.

I can't believe so many of you love us enough to have made this possible!

I can't believe that Amber, a mom of 3 children under age 4, who has a full-time job, who spent the last several months working to put her house on the market, not only came up with such an idea, but took the time to create such a great blog and organize the giving of such a generous gift!

I never would have guessed you guys would do something like this. Thank you.

Of course, we had to immediately try out the BOB.
Since NewBaby won't be here for another two weeks, Cooper helped me get a feel for what it's like pushing two babies.

Friends, I think I can run with this thing.

 Do you know what that means? It means I have no excuse - I have to run the Rock n Roll half marathon in October. (Amber, you'll be living in St. Louis by then. I have my eye on you...)
Coop is used to the luxurious accomodations of his BOB, so he wasn't too impressed. Caleb, meanwhile, was thrilled.

Later, after all of the hubub and tears and excitement were over, and we were getting ready to head home, I spotted this. My little guy had to inspect his new stroller one more time. I think he approves. (Can you believe he's 21 months old today? Can you believe NewBaby is due in just over 2 weeks?)

Thank you. This means more to me than you'll ever know.
(and now I'm crying again.)


  1. I think in all the messages I forgot to say "You're welcome." You are! Plus, it was really WAY more fun than work.

  2. it was such fun. Amber is amazing!

  3. yes it was such a good idea! I am so glad it all worked out and you were surprised! Enjoy it, we love you!
