April 12


This was supposed to be our un-busy, un-scheduled, hang-out-and-wait-for-Baby time.
And then Chris' car died on his way to work Monday.
And then we had to decide whether to fix it or junk it.
And then we decided not to fix it.
And then we had to decide what kind of car should replace it.
And then we realized that we also could try to sell the immobile shell that is Chris' old car.

And now we're busy, and Chris is driving my car 1 hour each way to work each day, which means Caleb and I are stuck at home, unable to run errands or do anything to help with selling the old car or choosing a new one.

I know I'm complaining, but in the midst of my complaining, I'm fully aware that it's quite a blessing that this happened now, and not two weeks from now, when we'll have a new baby to worry about.


Thank God this has happened now, and it's an inconvenience that we can manage.

But I only took crummy pictures today, so you just read through all of that complaining to see this:

(Caleb wearing a hoodie while he plays baseball on the patio)

Sorry. I promise tomorrow will be better. :)

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