April 17

Well, it happened.
The day I've been dreading arrived: Caleb discovered hockey.
And he loved it.

While I got ready for church this morning, Chris took Caleb out on the driveway to play. It seemed harmless enough, until Chris got out the hockey sticks and golf balls.

Caleb was captivated by the stick.

He was so excited when Daddy helped him practice a slap shot.

He even managed to hit a ball all by himself with a stick that was twice as tall as he is!

It was so much fun, but therein lies the problem.

Our conversation as Caleb happily played hockey?

Carrie: Chris, when are we going to tell him that he'll never get to play real hockey?
Chris: For now he can play street hockey... (Caleb hears the word "street" and immediately runs toward the street)
Carrie: (rushing after Caleb and scooping him up) I don't know - even that could be dangerous.
Chris: Well, Pee-Wee hockey doesn't involve checking.
Carrie: But what about after that?
Chris: If he's good enough, he can avoid all of the checks!
Carrie: Or, if he's good enough he'll become the target of all of the checks! You're going to have to tell him...

It's just that precious little face, and brilliant little brain, and darling little teeth! I certainly don't want Caleb to end up brain-damaged, toothless, and sporting a mullet! But Chris will have to bear the bad news.

Because to Caleb, Daddy can do no wrong.


  1. Great pix, great story!!! Fiction, right???

  2. Ohhhhh! But look, Chris has played hockey for years and he doesn't fit that description, LOL
