April 25

We almost had a baby today, but Baby thought better of it.

I didn't manage to take any photos of Caleb, but here's a collage of my growing belly (and NewBaby inside of it).

We took the 40-week photo at 2 this morning; unfortunately, Baby changed its mind and decided it wasn't quite ready to come out.

For now, I'm tired and discouraged. Maybe tomorrow will be better; maybe tomorrow we'll have a real photo of Baby for you!


  1. I love that you can seethe difference between 24 and 28 weeks and then really between 28 and 32 weeks....that's so fun! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you have better luck tomorrow!

  2. look at your hair--so pretty and so much longer from first to last photo.
    you do look so beautiful:)))

  3. Wow how cool! You guys are so good about documenting memories.

    That baby is just staying in there getting smarter and smarter!
