April 13

Chris took the afternoon off work today so we could go test drive some new cars. Since I know things have been really hectic and stressful for him lately, I decided to forgo my daily nap during Caleb's naptime and bake some special cookies for him.

It isn't much, but it's all I can offer. I know I shouldn't equate food with love, but sometimes the easiest way to say, "I love you" (after just saying it, but whatever) is with food.

Even better than eating cookies alone, though, is eating cookies with Caleb. We don't give him cookies or candy very often, so it's really fun to be able to share something special with him.

It was really fun for both of them!

Then we dropped Caleb at Grandma's while we looked at a few cars. After a long, late dinner, we headed home. Despite the fact that bedtime was an hour later than normal, Caleb was super-cheerful. I attribute this to his appreciation for Mexican food, as well as all of the great Grandma snuggles he got.

After his bath, but before his jammies, Caleb was being so funny that I had to get out the video camera. I hope this video works for you; it's what Caleb does when you ask him to sing.


  1. MORE video---oh sooo cute!!!!!

  2. I agree with Maggie! Could he BE any CUTER??????? I mean he is actually almost pretty he's so stinkin cute!
