April 15

Today Caleb came up to me and said, "Shake! Shake! Shake song!" After a moment of head-scratching, I figured out that he was asking to hear Raffi's song "Shake My Sillies Out". So I turned it on, and Caleb instantly started "shaking". Really, it was more like a twitch, or a vibrate, but he was really convinced that he was shaking his sillies out. And he was very focused on the task.


He looks so serious, but he was really just listening intently to the music and shaking his little body.

Here he's saying, "Shake! Shake!" as he vibrates. What a funny child - he's serious even when he dances!

Also, today is Aunt Grace's birthday, and since she doesn't get to see Caleb nearly enough, Caleb wanted to do a video shout-out. It's a little bit quiet (except for my voice at the beginning) and a lot short, so you may want to turn up your volume and hit "repeat" a few times.

Happy Birthday, Grace!


  1. That was the cutest thing ever.

  2. now how would caleb know that his OLD cousins all listened to shake your sillies out too?????? we did. great aunt mag LOVES that song and we used to sing it in the van (the mom car). miss those days!!!

  3. OHHH, what a cutie! Thank you Caleb, you are such a sweetheart!
