April 19

Caleb woke up this morning feeling like a new man. His fever was gone, he was cheerful and energetic, and we were both thrilled.

This was one of a series of "goofy face" photos we took.

But then he petered out. Sometime around 10:30, this little guy got droopy and grouchy. I didn't think much of it - don't we all have grouchy, droopy moments? - but when he woke up from his nap at 2, his fever was back up over 101. Poor kid.

Honestly, I think it's rougher on me when he's sick. Luckily, Grandma came out to visit and saved the day. She was just the distraction Caleb and I needed, and she got us through the afternoon.

After that (and some Tylenol), Caleb was much more cheerful. 

(He's totally into baseball gloves right now. This is his attempt to wear the glove.)

Chris came home from work, and we all immediately left to pick up...

Chris' new car!

After much waiting and much ado, Chris finally has a new car (and I get my car back! Hooray! This mama has been house-bound for too long!). It's a 2011 Honda Accord, and as you can  tell, both Chris and Caleb are quite pleased with it.

Did you notice it looks a little bit wet? That's because as we were driving home from the dealership, a hail storm hit.
Luckily, both Chris' car and mine seem to be fine. People reported golf ball-sized hail from this storm, so it could have been disastrous!

Hoping Caleb is better tomorrow... I'm ready to leave the house!

1 comment:

  1. YAY new car! Thank goodness the hail didn't wreck it. We had a huge hailstorm the other night, but these were marble sized so my car doesn't have any damage.
