April 29

Still no baby (we're at 40 weeks, 4 days...), but today was a really good day.

Caleb woke up at 5 am, we brought breakfast to my mom, visited with friends at the park, took a three and a half hour nap (!), played outside (Caleb is learning how to work the pedals on his tricycle!), visited a new park with Daddy, and had a generally fun day. Unless Baby decides to come, tomorrow will be a very busy day, so I'm going to throw tons of pictures of you today in case I don't get any tomorrow.

The new park we visited was tiny, but it had Caleb's favorite piece of playground equipment - a steering wheel.

Chris helped him drive.

After dinner, Caleb got to eat a popsicle. (Don't get too excited- it's made with V-8 splash. We don't eat fun things like real popsicles around here.)

After popsicles, snuggles and sniffs.
Caleb wouldn't give me kisses, but he was more than willing to give me sniffs.

And he tolerated one big, fat kiss from me.

But he barely tolerated it!

What a fun day! It was almost fun enough to make up for our slow-poke baby!

1 comment:

  1. he really is starting to look at lot like you Carrie! SUch a cutie
