April 16

We had such a productive day today!

It involved:
haircut for me
the final cleaning-out of Chris' car
pre-baby cleaning of my car
moving Caleb's car seat
cleaning and installing NewBaby's car seat
lawn mowing
weed pulling
bush trimming
walking around the block (a big deal for a toddler!)
birth pool inflating (and deflating)
co-sleeper assembling (and disassembling)

Chris and I were such rockstars today, and Caleb was a cooperative little helper.


At dinner tonight, I offered Caleb a pickle slice. I figured he would hate it and spit it out. Wrong.

He. Loved. It.

He loved pickles to the point that he didn't want to eat his dinner, only pickles. After four pickles, we told him to eat a bite of his dinner before we would give him another pickle.

Apparently, we are the meanest parents ever.

He screamed.
He cried.
He begged.

Chris and I just looked at each other.
We tried explaining things to Caleb again.
We tried distracting him.
He just screamed.
Then I got out my camera.

Eventually, he ate a bite of his dinner and got his pickle. Once he figured things out, we finished dinner in peace.

I love my toddler.

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