July 31

I am not sure how tomorrow is August, but apparently it is. 

We celebrated the last day of July with a playdate with my friend Jill and one of her daughters.

I tried my best to get a picture of Lily and Naomi playing together, but photographing two toddlers is like herding cats.

Look at that sweet thing. She could never be uncooperative! It must have been all Lily's fault. 

Jill and Naomi left just as Eli was ready for his nap. He napped while I fed everyone lunch, and woke up just as I got Lily and Daisy down for their naps. Then he was ready for a nap right after Lily woke up... *sigh* Days like that are rough.

At least I had Caleb to help entertain Eli while the girls napped. The boys had a lot of fun rolling around on my big bed together. I love Eli's little foot and hand on Caleb's forehead in the picture above! I also love the shirt Eli is wearing. I just brought up all of his 6-12 month clothes, and this shirt (a hand-me-down from Jace?) was right on top. Score! I don't think Eli is fully ready to switch to 6-12 month clothes, but  they do seem to fit...

Sweet brothers!

They seriously had so much fun together. When Caleb is interested, he is such a sweet, tender big brother!

Look at how happy Eli was!

Goodness. I can't believe this boy is about to be a first grader! He's still my baby!

OK, yes, I realize that Eli is actually  my baby, and Caleb is a big boy. But still, he seems like a baby to me!

After our little photo shoot, Caleb and I helped Eli practice his sitting.

I'm not sure which is cuter: Eli's ineffective attempts to sit, or Caleb's complete engagement in the process. I love it all.

This video is even cuter, but is unfortunately focused on Caleb instead of Eli. Still, it's sweet.

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