July 10

Eli must have nursed all night long last night, because I am exhausted today. The big two had gymnastics this morning, and the 11:00 start meant that we didn't have time for any big adventures. They didn't seem to mind, though; they were too excited about gymnastics!

After gymnastics and lunch, we prepared for naptime by reading books on the couch, just like we always do. When we were done, Daisy asked if she could hold Eli for a little bit before her nap. She chose to use a pillow, and I situated Eli in her lap. I got up to get some almond milk for Lily, and looked back to see this:


Making him giggle by putting his foot on his cheek.

It was so sweet, and they were both so happy!

1 comment:

  1. Um, I almost died seeing this adorable-ness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
