July 12

Nothing particularly exciting happened today, but it was a good day.

We went to church, and I left Eli in the nursery for the first time. He did great, and when I picked him up he was grinning at the ladies and showing them his awesome spit bubbles. (A new skill, and apparently his favorite thing ever.)

After church we skipped our customary Costco stop and headed straight home so that Chris could take the big kids on a bike ride. It was too hot for the trailer, so he could only take two at a time, so he took two short rides. First Daisy rode in the seat up front and Caleb rode his Tag-Along bike, then Chris returned home to swap out Lily for Daisy and do the whole thing again.

Lunch, naps, and I headed to the gym while the little ones slept. When I got home, Chris and Caleb washed the cars. Eli even tried to help!
He laid on his blanket and blew spit bubbles until his mouth was covered in foam. It was really pretty funny.

After dinner we all headed up to the pool, where I snuggled Eli and watched Chris and the older three thoroughly enjoy themselves. It was a lovely evening, and a lovely day.

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