July 2

Oops - I'm a day behind. Hopefully no one except for my mom noticed. (Hi, Mom!)
It was supposed to be movie day, and we did watch a movie in the morning. The kids chose Peter Pan at the library yesterday, so they watched it before we left for a playdate with Amber and her boys. I have to say - I was hoping that Disney's "G" rating would mean that Daisy wouldn't be terrified and freak out, but my hopes were unfounded. Still, the kids loved the movie and watched about 75% of it before it was time for us to go. While they watched, I moved furniture around in Lily's room to make way for the Big Girl Bed, which I also moved in.
By myself.
Because I am awesome.
But mostly because I am no longer pregnant or hobbled by a broken  leg, so I can.

It rained all morning, so Amber and I had to scrap our plans for an awesome new park with a splash pad. Thankfully the rain stopped right before our playdate, so at least we didn't have to use the rain boots and rain coats I brought along. The kiddos had so much fun playing, and Amber sent me this photo she took of our little ones playing:
Left to right, there's Daisy, then Caleb, then Drew (trying out the big boy swing because Caleb and Daisy were; Amber says he usually prefers the baby swing), Lily and Dean. Eli was wrapped to my back, which worked out because there were just enough swings! It is so fun watching our kids grow up with friends' kids. I love it!

We had to leave our playdate earlier than I intended because Caleb was flipping out. He was an emotional mess. So we went home and I insisted that he and Daisy both nap. Actually, after an unfortunate incident that involved Caleb slamming his bedroom door and holding it shut while Daisy banged on it with a baseball bat, I spanked them both and sent them to bed with a shout. Not my finest parenting moment, but it was also not their finest child-ing moment, so we will move on.  

Lily was freaked out by the big girl bed in  her room, and Eli was screaming, so I asked Lily to pick out her books while I put Eli down. Fifteen minutes later, I left a sleeping Eli to find Lily sitting in a recliner in Daisy's old room, reading a book. I had just moved that chair out of her room this morning, and I think she was more than a little confused about where we would be reading our naptime books. She'll figure it out eventually.

Finally I got her down, then got to work prepping dinner. I had dinner on the table when Chris got home, and I took off on a quick walk. (No run, because my knee is bothering me. Of course.) Then I cleaned up and headed out to meet some friends for dinner. We had a lovely evening, laughing and eating. It was just what I needed. They're both loyal blog followers; hi Jill! Hi Liz!

I came home to find this: 
I sure do love those boys! 
(I know you can't see Eli's face, but he was asleep. Yes, Mom, he could breathe. He woke up and began crying as soon as he heard my voice. I guess he missed his mommy!)

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