July 8

Today, I took the three older children to see the dentist. 
With Eli. 
In the rain.

It was definitely an ordeal, but we survived. Actually, just getting into the dentist's office was the ordeal. I climbed into the van and wrapped Eli on my back, handed the kids each an umbrella, and we trooped through the parking lot in our rainboots. Because I declined unwarranted X-rays and any fluoride treatments, our visit was pretty quick: just cleanings and an examination by the dentist. Caleb and Daisy rocked it. They were cheerful and cooperative. Lily, not so much. She refused to let the hygienist clean her teeth, and I had to hold her while the dentist did the exam. Luckily, she is not even two, so dental visits aren't super-important yet. Also luckily, I had Eli on my back so I was able to hold Lily for the exam.

We celebrated their good behavior with dentist-provided, probably sugar-free popsicles. Not my first choice for a treat, but the kids were really, really happy. As we left, I glanced longingly at the free Starbucks coffee in the waiting room, but Lord knows I wouldn't be able to juggle four children, their assorted goodie bags, a diaper bag, umbrellas, AND a cup of hot coffee in the rain. 
Instead, my mommy-celebration was a selfie.
You know, because if there's no selfie then it didn't happen.
I think Eli must have been turning his head as I snapped this photo, but you only get one chance for pictures like this.

At home, the kids opened their goodie bags to discover new toothbrushes: Caleb got Captain America, Daisy got Ariel, and Lily got Minnie Mouse. They were all so, so happy! They also got sample tubes of kids' toothpaste, which they have actually never experienced before. I have always given them non-foaming, fluoride-free training toothpaste, or just coconut oil or water for brushing. But they were so pumped about the toothpaste that I let them try some.

Caleb brushed his teeth at least five times today, and Daisy probably brushed hers three times.

So apparently withholding mainstream toothpaste from my kids turns it into something really awesome? My kids are so weird.

Sometimes they're also kind of sweet. Caleb, for example, has been really helpful and caring lately. Exhibit A:

Chris' mom came and took Caleb for their afternoon together, and the girls napped really, really late. They were still sleeping when Caleb returned, and they slept while I made dinner. Eli was awake, though, and while I cooked Caleb excitedly squealed, "Look what I did, Mommy!"
I turned around to see this: 
Totally a classic, I know!

He didn't even mind the glasses, which was hilarious.

At bedtime, Chris and I divided the job like we normally do: I nursed and snuggled Eli in a futile attempt to get him to sleep, while Chris read to the big kids and put them down. I had just gotten Eli to sleep when I heard some commotion out in the hallway, and I managed to sneak away from Eli to find Chris taking this picture of Caleb: 
His last picture as a five-year-old.

Caleb and I had discussed a few times today that we needed to remember to take his picture before bed, but then I was caught up with Eli and didn't remember. Luckily, Caleb remembered and told Chris exactly what to do. 

This boy. He is such a surprise and a delight!

I took Caleb out to the front porch for a few more pictures in (marginally) better light.

I can't believe that 6 years ago, he was still growing inside of me!

He is totally pumped to be six! Happy early birthday, Caleb!

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