July 14

Today was Tuesday, so even though it was blisteringly hot (94 degrees at 9:30 am, with a heat index that must have been at least 100), we went to the Garden. Amber's older three were occupied this morning, so she and her two little ones joined us, and we spent the majority of the morning at the splash pad. It was lovely, and you know I didn't take any pictures. Sorry/not sorry.

I had to wake Eli at 8:45 to leave for the Garden, and he stayed awake until we got home around 12:30. Then, that darling boy took a three-hour nap. What a good baby! When he woke up, Caleb was eager to crawl into my big bed and snuggle his baby brother.
Eli was totally into it, and the boys rolled and played and talked to each other. Adorable.

After dinner, we all headed up to the pool. Since it was so darn hot outside, it was a perfect pool day!
I wore Eli in the water wrap, and he was happy, happy, happy. We walked laps in the pool and watched Caleb, Daisy, Lily, and Daddy swim. Eli was due for a nap, but he was having too much fun to sleep. I didn't blame him.

Done swimming and ready to head home. What a happy boy!
(He is on the ground because he is officially too mobile to be left unattended on raised surfaces. Immediately before this picture, I caught him as he tried to roll off a table. Thank goodness I was right there and actively watching him!)

I thought maybe, because he had been awake for so long and had such a busy day, maybe Eli might go to sleep and stay asleep tonight. So we snuggled up in bed, I nursed him to sleep, and I snuck out. He was happy for maybe 30 minutes? So I went back in, nursed him some more, and snuck out again. This time, I got fifteen minutes.

No worries, though. Chris has things under control.
The past few nights, Eli has been unhappy when Chris wears him in the Ergo. I made an offhand comment about how Chris should try wearing Eli on his back... and he took me up on it! Since the Ergo only allows for back carries if a baby is sitting independently, wrapping was our only option. I grabbed Glace and wrapped Eli onto Chris in a quick ruck.

So there you go: Chris' first time wrapping Eli on his back! 
I think he likes it!

(I just checked - Eli is now sound asleep on Chris' back. So sweet. What a good man I have!)

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