July 26

And the busy-ness continues. Today involved leaving the house at 8:20 to get to church by 8:45 because Chris and I were scheduled to serve in the nursery, a trip to Costco, a baby shower, and church small group. It was exhausting.  Now I'm multi-tasking by blogging and roasting a pork tenderloin that I will shred and put in burritos tomorrow for Chris' birthday. Tomorrow also involves doctor visits for Eli and Lily, baking a cake for Chris, and having a very, very quiet birthday celebration at home. 

But back to today. Busy = cell phone pictures. Sorry. But at least they were taken with a shiny new iPhone 6!

It was a slow morning in the church nursery: only Eli and one other baby. But the other baby was sleepy and terrified of Chris, so it was my job to snuggle him and rock him to sleep. Chris handled Eli, and when Eli was ready for his nap, Chris followed my directions for putting on the ring sling. After a bit of pacing, Eli was sound asleep on his daddy's chest. It was adorable.

Costco, lunch, kids down for naps, and then my friend Jessica picked me up so we could go to our friend Leslie's baby shower. I returned home to find Chris snuggling his boys on the couch, reading a Scooby Doo book to Caleb. I also found these photos on Chris' phone:

Hi, Eli!

This one cracks me up! Can you believe this little man will be six months old on Tuesday?

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