July 9

Six years ago, Chris and I were basking in the glow of our brand-new baby boy. From the very beginning, Caleb surprised us with his sweet, compliant, cooperative nature. For Caleb, this past year has been the year of stepping out. He is testing boundaries, beginning to express opinions, and slowly, carefully, tentatively starting to fight for what he wants. 

It's surprising and challenging and exciting and definitely more than a little bit awkward as we all figure out the dance of parent and child, obedience and independence, little boy and big feelings. I have always been terrified of elementary school-age children, and suddenly I have one.  

He wants to be the fastest runner and the first to get dressed and the winner of every competition, unless he's losing and then it wasn't really a race.
He could spend hours playing with his Star Wars Legos, and spend even more hours telling you about his creations.
He loves superheroes and Star Wars, especially the Sith lords.
Carrots are his favorite vegetable.
Daisy is his best friend and his worst nemesis.
He is full of energy, but still a gentle soul. 
He is cautious, and only wants to try things he knows he'll be great at.
He plays well with his peers, but prefers younger kids or girls as friends.
He snuggles. Oh, how he snuggles.
He is mastering video games, especially Lego Star Wars on the Wii.

Happy sixth birthday, Caleb!
He was happy to find green balloons hanging from his doorway when he woke up. My dear husband was there to capture the moment while I slept soundly.

Then, in honor of what we did on the way to the hospital the morning he was born, Chris took Caleb to McDonald's for breakfast. He was thrilled.

My friend Jill and her daughters came over, and Caleb was delighted. He explained, "Lily loves Naomi, and I want Lily to be happy on my birthday, too!"
But really, he was excited to play with Naomi, too. He's that kind of kid.

Later, we took our traditional birthday chalkboard pictures. 
He is so excited to be six! 

Boom. Six fingers. This kid is so cool.

Silly boy.

Then we headed out for his birthday pictures, but he wasn't feeling particularly cooperative. This was the best one I got. 
It doesn't really look like my boy, so I think we'll have to try again tomorrow.
UPDATE: We did try again tomorrow. You can see better pictures of Caleb here.

This, though?

And this?

Those are my boy.  And then Jenny came to take Caleb for a birthday surprise: second lunch at Steak n Shake. As an added surprise, my mom and Emily joined them. What a treat for a birthday boy! When he got home, he informed me that he had two cups of fruit punch. 

For his birthday dinner, Caleb requested "snacky things". Eli needed to nap, but didn't want to, so I wrapped him to my back and made dinner. While he was on my back, Eli showed me his developing fine motor skills. How?

By pulling on the little hairs at the nape of my neck.

Ouch, Baby!

After dinner, Chris and the kids enjoyed the ice cream cake that Caleb and I made together the other day.

He was so proud of his handiwork!

It really did look delicious.

Yum. I enjoyed a bowl of dairy-free ice cream with some gluten-free Joe-Joes crumbled on top.

I know. It looks like even Eli wanted a bite of the cake!

But he didn't really. The boy knows that he's much too young for real food yet. 

I suppose it's the prematurity showing, but he's not even reaching for or grabbing at food yet. It will come in due time, I'm sure. I mean, he's already grabbing at my hair. Food can't be far behind!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! FUNNNNNN! Ok, that one of Caleb yelling with eyes closed reminds me a lot of Chris :)
    You are scared of elementary kids?? So am I! Older kids like that...Especially middle school aged :(
