July 16

I have no idea what happened today, or how I managed to get no pictures of the children, but that's pretty much what happened. Eli has a cold, so he slept a large chunk of the afternoon. During his morning nap, I managed to take a shower while the kids watched their movie from the library: Mickey's Christmas Spectacular. Not my idea of a great pick, but Caleb and Daisy were excited about it. 

The big news of the day is that Lily is officially sleeping in her big girl bed! She has now taken two naps in it, and she slept all night long in it last night. I'm surprised, but pleased! That means we can now work on preparing a room for Eli, which means we need to get all of Daisy's stuff out of her old room. First up: artwork. About a month ago, I took most of her artwork down, and last week I worked on combining Daisy and Caleb's stuff into a cohesive gallery wall. Today I managed to hang everything up on the wall in their shared room!

It looks kind of wild and wonky in the picture, but in real life I'm really happy with it. Daisy was especially excited; I think she feels like it's really her room now that her stuff is up on the walls. She was particularly happy to see the letter D made out of the same fabric as the curtains in her old room. Most of the white frames are from Daisy's room, and most of the black frames are Caleb's. The big picture in the top center was our gift to him for his sixth birthday, and he thought it was really cool and funny. You can see a bigger version here.

I got so caught up in my picture-hanging that dinner didn't get made, so we went out to eat. After dinner, and bedtime, I headed up to the gym. When I got home at 9:30, I found this: 
That's my mostly-asleep husband with our completely-asleep baby in the Ergo. This blog post is late because I relieved Chris of his duties so that he could actually go to sleep. Poor guy.

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