July 22

Today was library day, and for once it wasn't unreasonably hot. Feeling bold, I loaded Eli and Lily into the BOB, and we all began walking to the library. Caleb has made the trek (a hilly mile each way) twice before, but Daisy has always rode in the stroller. After the falling incident last time, I decided the girl needed to walk. I saw that she had put on her "high heeled" sandals and suggested that running shoes might be more comfortable, but Daisy's mind was made up. So off we went.

The whining started before we had even left our street. That girl can whine with the best of them! I stuck to my guns, though, reminded her that she had chosen to wear those shoes, and we kept walking. Though Daisy fussed and complained most of the way, she made the whole mile walk! Caleb, of course, rocked it. He's been working on his conditioning all summer.

After a break at the library to choose books, we headed back home. At first I was feeling merciful and offered to let Daisy ride on the BOB. I warned her, though, that the moment she started whining, she had to walk.

She made it about 1/4 mile.

But now I know that she can make the walk to the library. It's much easier to only push two little ones in the BOB, instead of two little ones and a four year old!

But really, the library trip was just an aside. Something REALLY IMPORTANT happened today:
Eli discovered his feet!

I know, I know. It's a normal developmental milestone. But he's hitting it just about when he should! Yay, Eli!

He seemed kind of surprised to find the little wiggly things at the end of his legs.

Ad when I told him they had been there all along? The child was shocked.

(I think he's still figuring out what to do with his toes, now that he's found them. Right now, he's mostly clubbing them with his fist. I'm sure he'll expand his repertoire soon.)

Good job, cutie pie! Maybe you are a normally-developing almost-six-month-old, after all! 

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